
As the title suggests, every step in this Getting Started guide has led you to Voting. Voting is crucial to Botto. Together, we are creating collectively; the community votes on their favorite art pieces, which subsequently trains Botto's algorithm. In turn, Botto's art changes direction over time.

In the Rebellion Period, the DAO voted to add negative voting so that voters can express their distaste for a particular fragment for Botto to consider. This will likely help Botto narrow down its range. This page has yet to be fully updated to reflect this new behavior.

By voting, you're influencing what Botto creates. Here's how to get started:

Start Voting

Hit the Start Voting button in the Botto dashboard and select the voting pool you want to vote on. You'll then be prompted with a quick explanation that you're able to use your keyboard's arrow keys and adjust how much VP you want to spend. If you're on mobile, you'll be able to tap on your favorite art piece (all art pieces put to vote are referred to as art fragments).

Simply tap/click/use the arrow keys to indicate which art fragment is your favorite, then click Submit Votes when you're done!

You will need to sign a request prompted by MetaMask the moment you hit Submit Votes. This does not cost you any transaction fee. The signature request looks something like this:

By default, you'll spend 1 Voting Point (VP) per selected fragment. You can change this by adjusting the weight of your vote.

Voting points generate once per round, provided you continue to stake your $BOTTO or hold an Access Pass (no action is needed, just come back every day to spend your voting points), and reset at the end of each round.

Return daily to vote on fragments.

A full explanation can be found in the Voting Mechanism section.

Last updated