Active Rewards

The Active Rewards Contract is designed to redistribute 40% of protocol revenue in any given round in ETH.

Distribution is based on how many Voting Points (VP) are spent by a user, relative to other voters in that voting round. ETH is deposited from the treasury into the Active Rewards contract after the round ends.

To qualify for rewards from this contract:

  1. A user must have at least 100 $BOTTO staked in the Governance contract before the end of the round and when they claim. If a wallet unstakes during the round, it becomes disqualified from receiving any rewards generated in that round.

  2. A user must have participated in the voting round, providing labor that helps train Botto.

After the DAO passed BIP-62, the staking threshold was reduced to 100 $BOTTO to account for current $BOTTO prices and to lower the barriers to participation.

Last updated